
Wool On William - a warm, friendly place to learn everything there is to know about knitting. It all starts with the first stitch.

“Knitting, he thought, was a comfort to the soul.”

-Jan Karon


“You’re that knitting lady!”

Established in 2014, Wool On William has been a small town gem for knitters, crochet fanatics, and everyone in between. Owner Leslie Spencer has been knitting for over 30 years, taught by her mother who passed on the passion.


A passion for all ages

Knitting is fabulously well known for the retirement crowd, but no more. With celebrities turning to knitting as a calming passtime, the hobby has come to a resurgence for all ages. Pick up your needles and learn today!


“What we love to do, we find time to do.”

-John Lancaster Spalding

Get in touch!

We love to hear about all your current projects and ideas. Struggling with a pattern? Dropped a stitch? We’re here to help.

What we’re working on: